Like the beautiful looking women in our life... we seem to feel more more comfortable around her when we know that she is struggling in another part of her life and that she doesn't have her shit together in some way...

The same with the person kicking ass in her Business... Or with the amazing husband... And absolutely not forget how we are with the women with the perfectly behaved kids... Is it because we feel less than in some way in their presence... that their beauty, for example, makes ours less? I know I have done this before and it was only by watching a fb live from a friend of mine recently that made me want to address it.
We need to embody our own beauty / be totally authentic in our Business / invest into our relationships and see the magnificence of our kids... the list goes on... love our life up so much that there is only happiness and high fives for others doing the same... because when we don't, we don't unjustly tear another person down, we also dull our ability to see our own imperfect perfection.
Do what you need to do to FEEL good. If that means getting your hair and lashes done regularly then do that. If that's not it then still be happy for the people that it is.
Like attracts like... so if the people around you are kicking ass then that's a great indication that you are in the right energetic circle to do the same.
Let's light up some more love in here. 💋
From my heart to yours xx