This year I have really focused on embracing my feminine side and it's made me redefine what strong is ... and it changes day to day for me.

Some days it's leg pressing 190kg at the gym as a PB...
Some day's its how I hold me body strong in a yoga or dance pose...
But now I realise my strong could also be the discipline to upgrade a negative thought...
Being able to finish a really shit day with some type of positive...
Pulling out the gratitude journal and writing in it when everything feels like it is going to shit...
Watching my son going through something really hard and not rescuing him, and allowing him to grow...
Catching myself judging another and then flipping my thoughts about it...
Not getting drawn into participating in gossip... even when it seems like an inclusive thing to do at the time...
Letting someone else be where they are right now without judgement...
Not reacting to another's pain when you are the focus of them expressing it...
Standing up for yourself and setting boundaries with people for both of your evolution...
Turning up to an event that I know I am not wanted at...
Not turning up to an event that I know I am not wanted at...
Soooo many different facets of strength... and tuning into my soul to truly choose what strength is the most aligned to who I am each day has me flexing my alignment muscles like no other.
So many contradictions - only what feels right each day...
You are beautiful. You are powerful. You are smart. You are sexy.
Own it. Live it. Love it. and to yourself... Be it.
From my heart to yours xx