This morning I had planned what I thought was going to be a beautiful women's empowerment hypnotherapy session for someone special to me for her birthday.
I have hypnotised her for different things many times before with her often being a beta tester for new hypno programs before I launched them.
Before every session I always set the intention for my soul to guide me to deliver the best outcome for my patient. I started the session and everything was going smoothly... until about 5 minutes into it I noticed that she moved her body differently... almost like a little giggle... then it stopped so I carried on... until a few more minutes she just erupted in laughter.
I have never had anyone laugh on my hypno table before. It was so infectious that I laughed big, air gasping belly laughs too, and she had tears rolling down her face in pure joy. That was it... after then going into an in-depth conversation that led into business ideas and action items, what her beautiful soul needed in that moment was to release in laughter.
It was a beautiful morning and being around that energy created momentum for myself too.
Trust your soul knows what it needs.
From my heart to yours xx