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I dub thee, "Manifesting Money March"

Writer's picture: Tanya UnveiledTanya Unveiled

I always seem to attract just the right amount of money - I always have. When my son needed additional therapy that wasn't covered by his funding - an opportunity for a promotion to come up. The increase in money? Just enough to cover the increase in expenditure. Money is ALWAYS there when I need it.

I think that is why I am not motivated by money over everything else - for me it just seems to turn up when I need it. Does this remove the anxiety I feel when I have a decrease in money? Unfortunately, not always since being a parent (or 'next-level spiritual awakening as I refer to motherhood), but I am working in it purely for the fact that anxiety and my focus on not have money simply 'muddies' my vibration for attracting it into my life. I need to be disciplined with my focus.

I have always been excellent at manifesting even before I knew that I had the power to do so. I have been called "tinny" or "lucky" all my life... and for that I say a big, lovingly "fu$k you, honey, I worked to create this shit!". I say lovingly, because I also know that the more fun / joy / happiness / rose coloured glasses on I have in my life, the more I attract what I want.

When I became a step parent in my early 30's, I decided that I needed to take everyone's advice and start being "serious", you know I had to be responsible now, none of this "airy fairy" shit. None of this rose coloured glass stuff. The result was that I totally lost who I was as a person, I became a serious asshole to be around, and I lost all of my magic. So you can keep your serious training, that shit sucks balls.

Don't lose your magic by taking life too seriously

So this month I decided that we all could use a little extra moola... purely for the fact that money is something that most people are motivated to attract more of into their life. Selfishly, I want you to participate because the more people participating, the more momentum that we will collectively receive. Also selfishly, it makes me feel amazing to see the people around my succeeding.

So, you are going to need a journal, an open heart, and a commitment to turn your RAS (Reticular Activation System) all the f*ck way on. I will be sharing how to do this as we go along.

Here's there thing - money, and opportunities to attract more into your life are all around you right now - you are just not seeing them. If our brain bought everything single thing you see, hear,and think into your focus every second of your life, you would go crazy (or have some serious Meltdowns as my Sensory Processing Disorder Kings and Queens know all too well). Our brain always wants to protect us, so it files everything away into a filing cabinet into your brain, and only makes accessible what it believes to be important.

It knows what you have deemed to be important by what you focus on. If you are focusing on not having enough money, it's going to bring every 'file' out of its filing cabinet about bills unpaid, other people making more money than you, something that you really want being totally out of your financial reach... you get the picture. It's why I love doing Hypnotherapy so much, I get to swap which files are being bought out of the filing cabinet while my clients are under Hypnosis.

What we want to do this month is train our brain to see all of the amazing manifesting it is doing - because yep, we don't see it or we write it off as co-incidence when we don't have our Money Manifesting RAS turned on - and Queen, please don't undo your greatness like that.

So here we go - Step 1. We need to start feeling good more often. The best chance we have of feeling good is to feel good in the morning when our brains have reset over night. So, before you go to bed tonight, get as much ready as you can for the morning - lunches, bags packed, uniforms out, your clothes ready - totally hack your morning.

Yes, if you have children and other people in your life, there is always an unknown tangent there for how they are going to show up, but don't leave this as an excuse not to set yourself up for success the best you can.

In the morning, pump some happy tunes as you are getting ready and move your body as you are doing the mundane tasks. Let the kids see their Mum shaking their booty in the kitchen (insert a disgusted remark from teenagers but do NOT let that deter you!). Get up a bit early if you can and write 3 things you are grateful for. Smack your partner's ass on the way out, let them have a smile on their face all day, (or if you are single like me, imagine what that would be like if you did have a partner - insert how sexy you would look doing it).

Here's what I want you to do right now: Grab your journal and write at the top: "The more fun I have the more money I can attract into my life". Underneath, write how you feel right now. Then write how the vibe is at home. No judgement, sista, raw and real. I give you 3 days to see a difference. So I want you to train your brain to notice all the differences you can see with yourself and your family at home over the next 3 days - turn your RAS all the f*ck way on and imagine you are channelling a much hotter version of Inspector Gadget. Nothing is too small of a change so WRITE IT DOWN. Not sure if it was a coincidence? #nofucksgiven - Write that shit down! Each day I want you to repeat the above - record how your feel, how the vibe is at home and write down all of your observations.

Let's get the vibe pumping at home as step 1 of Manifesting Money March. Here's the trick - you can ONLY write down the positive changes you see - no doubts, no shitty things that have happened, we have some serious brain training and manifesting attracting skills to shift, Beautiful. Be disciplined with this.

I can't tell you how f*cking excited I am to hear all of the results!!!!

From my heart to yours x

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While our approaches integrate neuroscience, mindfulness, movement, and trauma-informed practices, they are not a replacement for medical or mental health care. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider before making any changes related to your physical, emotional, or mental well-being.

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