I know in Business most people's goal is to have... well basically more. More clients, more sales, more money, more time, more freedom... I know you are picking up what I am putting down here.

I make no secret that I do too.
But here is where I am different... I over deliver to my clients first. All new client income producing activities come second to what I want to do for my clients. A couple of reasons.
I am totally vested in my client's success. There is no emotional detachment - as much as I was 'trained' otherwise all these years... every win my client has, I am literally jump up and down trying to not to spill my champagne.
I am also a bit old school. Some may find it a contradiction that I specialise in authentic online branding... and yet my biggest focus is good 'ole referrals and word of mouth.
Finally, my biggest motivator are the little messages I get when my clients are totally blown away with something I have done. I love it. It's the fuel to pump me through massive days.
So that's my feels with it... and here are the Business effectiveness around it:

It is so much easier to land a client that someone that they have trusted has recommended and has been totally blown away with. You NEED the branding, marketing and visibility as a leader in your field to be on point as a credibility back up... but so much easier to win someone's trust that you have already won from someone they trust.
Online branding and marketing is crucial and effective, but it is a long term focus if you want to do it well. It takes someone new on average about 7 touches of interacting with your stuff before they even start looking seriously at working with you... and that's on average. Too many people have been ripped off in some capacity and are so protective of "looking the fool" that they do their due diligence ... and so they should.
Just like recruitment, it takes less time and money investment to keep an existing client than it does to get a new one. Hands down. Don't get me wrong, there are clients that are not aligned for you out there, let's face it, with my potty mouth and energetic influences wrapped around my solid experience and qualifications, I am certainly not everyone's cup of tea.
That is why I am super clear on who my soul client's are and who I am before I take on a client, and if need be, I fire clients and certainly allow them to fire me. I don't want any negativity on either side of our collaboration clogging up the momentum of either of our Business. Release with love and with a genuine want of them to succeed. No drama needed.
From my heart to yours x